Thursday, April 24, 2008

Part 2: More Pictures of Moscow Subway

I'm posting my last collection of those images of Moscow's metra system.

This is Komsomolskaya subway station.

Komsomolskaya again.

And the final picture of Komsomolskaya station.

This is Krasnopresnenskaya. I know that some of the Russian names can be very difficult, even for Russian speaking people.

This is Mayakovskaya station.

Novoslobodskaya metro.

Oktyabrskaya station.

Park Kultury Metro Station (You can figure out the Russian translation of this phrase, right? — Park of Culture — What a big name!)

Paveletskaya Metro.

Ploshad' Revolutsii - the translation would be The Square of Revolution.

Prospekt Mira - another beautiful name - A prospect of Peace.

Semionovskaya - after the name of some Russian guy named Semyon.

And at last - Taganskaya station.

I hope you like the Moscow Subway. A little bit information for you about it: Subway hours are between 5:30 a.m. ―1:30a.m. trains come at 1 minute intervals, sometimes even less especially during the evening hours.
There are total of 9 lines in a Moscow subway, each of them is coded into a different color. Each year the Subway Lines get longer and get deeper into the far away suburbs where new subway stations are built. Did you know that during World War II, The Moscow Subways, due to its depth, offered shelter for thousands of mosowites during the Aerial bombings. A highly ranked person from Kremlin asked for a Russian phone translation a person who was hiding in one of the metro stations. And by a big chance, one of the telephone landlines was in a working condition. I'm not sure what was the whole deal about, but I remember one person telling me that story. Here is what I found in one of the slides I have about Moscow's Subway: in Revolution Square Station , The Bronze statues represent revolutionaries in 1917 «Red Octomber», in Komsomolskïa Station - Kutuzov maybe seen, who beat Napoleon, in Kievskaïa Station , Peter The Great at the Battle of Poltava, in Teatranlaïa Station there are ballerinas in national costumes and columns of flowers. Pretty interesting...

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