Unrealized Moscow details unfinished architectural plans from the thirties to the fifties. These fascinating pictures look as if they're stage project drawings for a sci-fi fantasy set. Of course, many were simply unworkable monuments to Stalin's ego. In fits and starts, work continued on them with the expectation that they would eventually be completed (Ceauscescu completed once such building, a
People's Palace in Bucharest that remains mostly vacant) . Concept drawing for
The Palace of the Soviets (noted in the previous post) is illustrated at right.
Kudos to the above site, especially well-designed as a slide show with a minimalist feel.
Those interested in the story behind the Palace may wish to check out my article: Andrew Gentes, “The Life, Death and Resurrection of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow,” History Workshop Journal 46 (Autumn 1998): 63-95.
Dear Mr. Potter, my regards on a well done little mention about the Palace of the Soviets. Such a morbidly fascinating tower and, had they ever built it, that edifice would have been quite a Soviet engineering wonder. On that abandoned site was actually built a municipal swimming pool (Moskva Pool) in the late 1950s before they re-built the church in the early 1990s. To those interested in Soviet era propaganda, please visit the website Posterplakat.com
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